Bronė App

Uncreative accounting for creatives

Role: Concept & Product Design (iOS, Android)
Industry: FinTech
Client: Privace Comission

Tools: Adobe XD, Trello
Type: Contract
Duration: 2019

Role: Product Design (iOS, Android)
Industry: FinTech
Client: Privace Comission
Tools: Adobe XD, Trello
Type: Contract
Duration: 2019

In a nutshell

This project focused on developing an app designed to simplify accounting for freelance creators. The aim was to streamline financial tasks and enhance user experience through intuitive features and thoughtful design.


Our research revealed significant market needs among freelance creators who struggle with complex accounting tasks. Many users expressed frustration with existing solutions that felt impersonal and inadequate for their specific needs. Key insights included a strong desire for user-friendly, trustworthy, cost-effective yet fun and exciting tools. Users highlighted pain points such as the difficulty of tracking expenses, understanding tax obligations, and managing invoices. The competitive landscape showed a gap for an app that could cater specifically to the freelance creator demographic with personalized and simplified features.


We mapped out detailed user journeys to understand and address the unique challenges faced by freelance creators. The app was designed to offer easy onboarding, clear guidance on financial tasks, and seamless integration with existing workflows. Key features included automated expense tracking, simplified invoicing, and tax calculation tools. The app also provided educational resources to empower users with financial literacy. By focusing on user feedback and iterative design, we ensured the app was both intuitive and effective in solving real-world problems.

Key challenges

One of the main challenges was ensuring the app could handle the diverse financial scenarios of various freelance creators. Additionally, maintaining a balance between robust functionality and user-friendly design required careful consideration and continuous testing.